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Strive 2 Speak
What is Strive 2 Speak?
Strive 2 Speak (S2S) is a speech enhancement program with proven techniques designed to address the needs of those who have challenges speaking and/or those who want to benefit from enhancing their speech fluency, delivery and articulation. It is vital to note that S2S isn’t specifically for those with speech impediments. The program can help adults, educators, corporate business leaders, and public speakers as well as anyone who wants to improve their “speakability”.
This program is free of charge to those who stutter or stammer.
Educators are constantly challenged to impart their knowledge concisely in an inspiring and exciting way. Our S2S coaches empower educators by teaching simple techniques for enhancing and projecting their speech. Stammering and nervous rushing can all be corrected in a short period of time. Educators will gain the necessary confidence in their capacity to command the attention of a classroom with clear, compelling communication. There has never been a time when there has been so much public pressure on measuring the success of teachers. S2S will partner with teachers to make sure their performance is the best it can be. Contact us today to take your teaching career to the next level.

Children and Adolescents
Schools can be a challenging environment for children and adolescents who face challenges speaking, impacting short and long-term self-esteem, confidence, and performance both socially and academically. Our S2S coaches can help by teaching youth of all ages our proven to work S2S techniques in a fast, effective, fun, and easy-to-learn fashion. Nothing gives our coaches greater satisfaction than seeing a child’s sense of self-worth and confidence blossom through learning our method. The positive effects ripple through every area of a child’s life. Ensure a bright future for your child or teenager by Contacting us today.


Relaxing with friends, attending a social event, or dealing with co-workers can be very daunting for those who get nervous in social situations. At S2S we teach adults how to rise to these challenges regardless of whether they have speech difficulties or not. Our unique program is designed for the stuttering community but helps anyone improve their speech The only requirement is desire. Our innovative techniques are easy to master, and will give you the confidence to engage in any social encounter with ease. Contact us today and make speaking freely, fun and free of fear or stress.
Professionals and Job Seekers
PowerPoint presentations, staff meetings, and marketing proposals are just a few of the mundane speaking tasks that face professionals in the business world. The fear of speaking publicly can cause great anxiety, demolish self-confidence, and significantly impact performance. For individuals who stammer or stutter, it can be extra-terrifying and impairing. Don’t let fear or poor prior performances inhibit you from achieving the success that is rightfully yours. Our S2S coaches can empower anyone to speak effectively and with confidence. Contact us today to create the changes that will keep your career moving forward.

Singles and Dating

Nowhere else do we feel more self-conscious and judged than in the world of dating. Our every word, deed, and gesture is being evaluated at the same time that our looks, manner, and voice are being rated. Men and women who are socially nervous, especially those with speech impediments can be at a disadvantage, regardless of their intelligence, success, personality, or looks. S2S will give you the tools and techniques to stay calm, speak clearly, and to present your best self to the people you date. Your confidence will bloom, and you’ll be that much closer to meeting and winning over that special man or woman. Don’t hesitate. Contact us today.